Invited to join the conversation program “#狂人日誌#MadVnz ” the photographer embarked on a journey to Nantou’s Tianshi Farm, driving a Range Rover Classic 4-Door in the persistent rain, initiating a historical exploration.
The Range Rover Classic, hailed as the world’s first Luxury Sport Utility Vehicle (LSUV), boasts its timeless dual-round headlight design, clamshell hood, and the distinctive lines on its panels. Even in the second-generation P38A and the third-generation L322 models, one can still discern the evolutionary traces of the original RR’s design. With the introduction of the L405 and the latest L460, the design has taken on a more modern and streamlined look, particularly with the advent of the L405, marking a new chapter in the luxurious journey of the Range Rover.
Upon reaching the campsite, we set up campfires, canopies, and tents, sharing the history of the Taiwan Land Rover Club (TLRC) with Vincent, the host of “Madman’s Diary.” Tianshi Farm holds significance as the venue for TLRC’s inaugural event, with predecessors having unearthed an off-road route in the vicinity. Despite the passage of 20 years, the mud pits are now overgrown with wild grass, and the once challenging routes have become smoother. However, the actual driving experience remains exhilarating and enjoyable.
As night falls over the campsite, accompanied by the rising smoke of the campfire, sipping red wine and indulging in roasted wild boar, we listen to the tales of Land Rover’s history from the self-proclaimed Land Rover Doctor-Dr. Henry. In this mildly intoxicated ambiance, we deeply immerse ourselves in the essence of Land Rover.

在南投天時農莊,我們見證了Range Rover 50週年誌慶的採訪活動。我們看到了Range Rover全系列的車輛,包括Range Rover Classic、Range Rover P38a、Range Rover L322、Range Rover Vogue及Range Rover Sport,為我們帶來了許多精彩的體驗。
此外,我們也有幸見到了狂人日誌和TLRC的首次相見歡,讓現場的氣氛更加熱烈。當天,我有機會駕駛Range Rover Classic,這是一款充滿歷史感的車型。在天時農莊裡的草坪上進行了攝影拍攝,並將車輛放在優美的綠色草坪上,营造出浪漫優雅的氛围。這個活動不僅展示了Range Rover品牌的強大,而且也向世界展示了台灣的美麗風光。我們拍攝了不同的角度和視角,捕捉了車輛的美麗和獨特性。這些照片將展示在狂人日誌上,並向全世界呈現Range Rover品牌和台灣獨特的風光。
總體而言,這是一個非常成功的活動,讓我們體驗到了Range Rover品牌的精髓和風格。我們非常感謝Range Rover全系列的車輛,讓我們有機會創造這些美麗的照片,以及狂人日誌和TLRC的大力支持,讓這個活動變得更加難忘和成功。
Photo : Nikon D800 | Nikon 70-200mm/F4