Rugged River Runs: Wanda South Creek

The Wanda South Creek is hailed as an extremely popular off-road route in the central region of Taiwan, boasting picturesque landscapes and numerous geothermal wild creek hot springs. Due to the long-term impact of typhoons and rainy seasons, the conditions of the riverbed often change, resulting in a diverse range of routes. Here, you can never predict the differences between today and tomorrow in the riverbed, making respect and awe for nature an essential lesson for everyone.

As we, a group of individuals, pause at the moment our convoy crosses the riverbed, the scenery before us is truly breathtaking. Along the beautiful cliffs carved by the river for thousands of years, sunlight spills onto the layered shadows, providing a sense of satisfaction deep within our hearts and minds. The splashing water spray on the river creates a delightful climax in the midst of our laughter, as we thoroughly enjoy the exhilarating experience brought by Land Rover’s off-road performance.

Such an off-road journey is not just an adventure but also a reverence for nature, allowing us to appreciate the perfect blend of natural beauty and the off-road charm of Land Rover.

萬大南溪是個充滿挑戰性的地方,也是個充滿自然風光的美麗景點。當天,我們有幸與Land Rover共同體驗了這個刺激的活動。

萬大南溪的路況十分惡劣,有著崎嶇不平的路面,許多地方需要攀越過去,而Land Rover的越野性能讓我們可以輕鬆應對。我們看到了各種型號的Land Rover車輛,包括Discovery、Range Rover Evoque、Defender等等。每輛車都展現了非凡的越野表現,讓人印象深刻。這次活動中最令人興奮的部分是河流穿越,我們需要開車穿越萬大南溪的溪水,這是一個充滿挑戰性和刺激的體驗。Land Rover的車輛在河流穿越中表現得非常穩健,讓我們感受到了它們的高強度和安全性。

作為攝影師,我可以說,這個地方絕對是攝影的天堂。我們在這裡拍攝了許多照片,捕捉了Land Rover車輛和萬大南溪自然風景的美麗。這些照片將用於有你真好戶外休閒俱樂部的宣傳和展示,讓更多人了解這個美麗的地方和Land Rover品牌的越野表現。總的來說,這次活動是一個非常成功的體驗,讓我們深入了解了Land Rover品牌和越野文化的魅力。我們非常感謝有你真好戶外休閒俱樂部的邀請,讓我們參與這個活動,也非常感謝Land Rover的強大實力和越野性能,讓我們可以拍攝這些美麗的照片,紀錄這個難忘的經驗。

Photo spec : Nikon D800 | Nikon 70-200mm/F4

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