As we embraced the last week of Taiwan’s students’ summer vacation, seizing the tail end of summer, we embarked once again on an adventurous journey to the sea caves of Nan’ao. The sandy shores of Nan’ao Beach, shaped by the onslaught of typhoon-induced swells, constantly undergo changes, providing a fresh source of wonder and experiences with each visit. This particular expedition held a special significance as the photographer witnessed, for the first time, the exposed gigantic rocks beneath the sea, creating a unique and rare spectacle. In the face of these changing terrains, Land Rover’s outstanding performance shone brilliantly, with the convoy navigating effortlessly through the winding rocks, fearlessly tackling the challenges.
To traverse these massive rocks, the vehicles showcased exceptional maneuverability, complemented by outstanding off-road capabilities, ensuring smooth progress and, most importantly, safety. While this adventure added some extra travel time, the reliability demonstrated by Land Rover provided reassurance to every participant, fully illustrating Land Rover’s conquering prowess over extreme terrains.
We spent a leisurely afternoon on Nan’ao Beach, feeling the gentle sea breeze and basking in the sunlight. As the evening approached, the sunset bathed the eastern horizon in golden hues, and the dust kicked up by the convoy’s journey back painted a picturesque scene under the twilight.
This journey to Nan’ao Beach not only brought visual delights but also allowed every participant to deeply appreciate the unparalleled performance of Land Rover in extreme environments. As we bid farewell to the tail end of summer, we left behind beautiful memories, as if imprinting the timeless beauty of nature in our hearts.
南澳沙灘位於台灣東部,每年都會因氣候變化和海水沖刷而帶來不同的景觀。作為越野車迷的聖地,這裡吸引了無數愛好越野的冒險家來此挑戰極限。這一次,我們再次來到這個美麗的地方,並有幸邀請到Land Rover的新車種New Defender參與越野行程。
New Defender是Land Rover最新推出的一款越野車,它擁有較為現代的外觀設計和先進的科技配置。在南澳沙灘的越野過程中,New Defender展現出了極佳的越野能力和穩定性。它的高強度鋼骨架和主動式懸掛系統,讓我們輕鬆應對了各種複雜的路況,如沙地、礫石路和陡峭的坡道。此外,New Defender的先進科技系統,如全地形反饋和進階緊急剎車系統,為我們的越野之旅增添了更多的安全保障。
在越野行程中,我們還有幸結識了一位越野大前輩-河馬大哥,他的Defender 110 pickup這輛特殊的越野車被裝備了各種越野配件,如增高懸掛、加強保護罩和大尺寸輪胎等。在沙灘和海蝕洞的探險過程中,這台車的表現十分出色,它的強大引擎和堅固車身,安心地穿越各種難以通行的路段,讓整個越野行程更加刺激和有趣。在這次越野之旅中,我們不僅挑戰了自我,還體驗了新車種New Defender的強大性能和特殊車輛河馬大哥的越野能力。這場越野之旅,給我們帶來了無數美好回憶和深刻體驗,也讓我們更加熱愛越野。
Photo Spec : Nikon D800 | Nikon 70-200mm/F4