2022 心無止徑越野體驗營

心無止徑越野體驗營,今年在春陽部落精彩上演!作為一個攝影師,我很榮幸能夠參與這次越野活動並記錄下每一個難忘的瞬間。而選擇Land Rover作為我們的越野車輛,也讓我們的旅程更加完美。

春陽部落的河道因氣候改變不少,讓這次的越野之旅更加具有挑戰性。但Land Rover的卓越越野性能和驚人的穩定性,讓我們可以輕鬆應對各種複雜的路況。無論是狹窄的山徑還是崎嶇的岩石路,Land Rover的強大引擎和穩健的懸掛系統都讓我們可以輕鬆地穿越過去。此外,全地形進階控制系統的出色表現,也為我們的越野之旅增添了更多的信心和安全保障。這次活動共有176台車輛參加,這些愛好者們帶著滿懷熱情,挑戰著河流和山徑。而我們所在的真好戶外休閒俱樂部,作為本次越野活動的主辦單位,也為大家提供了周到的服務和支持。在這樣的團隊合作下,我們一路向前,充滿著無限的樂趣和挑戰。

心無止徑越野體驗營不僅讓我們體驗到了越野之旅的刺激和樂趣,也讓我們感受到了大自然的美麗和力量。而Land Rover的表現更是讓我們充滿了信心和熱情,期待著下一次的越野之旅。

The “Endless Journey” Off-Road Experience Camp once again took place in the Chunyang Tribe this year, allowing us to experience an exciting and unforgettable off-road adventure. As a photographer, it was an honor to be a part of this event and capture every moment. The decision to use Land Rover as our off-road vehicle made our journey even more exceptional.

The river in the Chunyang Tribe has undergone significant changes due to climate change, making this off-road journey more challenging. However, Land Rover’s exceptional off-road capabilities and impressive stability made it easy for us to navigate through various difficult terrains. Whether it was a narrow mountain trail or a rocky road, Land Rover’s powerful engine and sturdy suspension system allowed us to pass through with ease. Moreover, the advanced all-terrain control system provided us with more confidence and safety during our off-road adventure. With a total of 176 vehicles participating in this event, enthusiasts from all around the world enthusiastically took on the challenge of the river and mountain trails. As the organizer of the “Endless Journey” Off-Road Experience Camp, the “Bonjour outdoor casual club” provided excellent service and support to all participants. This teamwork allowed us to move forward with excitement and fun.

The “Endless Journey” Off-Road Experience Camp not only provided us with an exciting and unforgettable off-road adventure but also allowed us to appreciate the beauty and power of nature. Land Rover’s outstanding performance instilled us with confidence and passion, eagerly awaiting our next off-road journey.

Photo spec : Nikon D800 | Nikon 70-200mm/F4

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