



As a photographer, memories of my time living in Kyoto and participating in the Kurama Fire Festival and Gozan no Okuribi come flooding back to me when I think about the theme of the Bonfire Festival. The Kurama Fire Festival is a particularly special event, starting in the dead of night as local residents run with torches along a mountain path, eventually arriving at a shrine. Here, they place the torches into a special pot, light the kindling inside, and leap over the resulting bonfire, all in the hopes of receiving the blessings of the gods. Remembering these beautiful experiences has made me even more excited for this year’s Bonfire Festival.

Located at the Daxi Ti Campground, we had the chance to experience the beauty of nature firsthand. The river was crystal clear, and the foliage lush and verdant. I and my fellow campers enjoyed the fun of outdoor cooking and camping while admiring the stunning mountain views and the beauty of nature around us.

As the night of the Bonfire Festival arrived, I began capturing the burning flames and the people dancing around the bonfire. It was during this time that I noticed a particularly special figure, the “Master of Burning Trunks”. He held a long-handled torch and only burned the trunks of trees, but the flames were incredibly fierce, adding a special sense of mystery to the entire festival. I decided to capture this special figure and preserve this beautiful memory. I deeply feel that photography is not just about capturing beautiful moments, but also about preserving memories and experiences. By sharing these beautiful moments and feelings through photography, we can bring more people into the joy and wonder of these experiences and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Photo Spec : Nikon D800 | Nikon 70-200mm/F4, 35mm/F2

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