Wilderness Retreats: jaguarlandrover查爾斯 entertaining printmaking Camping active

荒野印記 川中島 230106 007

On a night adorned with sparkling stars, we gathered by the campfire, accompanied by warm lights and enchanting music, sharing the unique camping experience. This relatively serene event offered us a different perspective, featuring #jaguarlandrover查爾斯 entertaining printmaking activities, the delightful aroma of French crepes, and the carefully prepared delicacies and wines by the General Manager of Wearnes Motors.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, we collectively embraced a night filled with warmth. Surrounded by the melodies of the cello and hand drum, we felt the tranquility and ease of the moment. Whether it was the subtle intoxication of red wine or the shimmering starlit sky, these beautiful moments led us to discover a profound sense of calm and relaxation within.


As nightfall arrived, we illuminated our memories, cherishing the time spent with the pride of #查爾斯的荒野印記 perspective. Anticipating future reunions, let’s embark on another adventure into the unknown together.

Organizer: https://www.facebook.com/JaguarLandRoverCharles
Location: #川中島落雨松露營秘境
Photographer-Daniel: https://www.instagram.com/daniel196040

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