The summer of 2018 holds unforgettable memories for the photographer. It marked the first encounter with the vibrant and mysterious “Bonjour Outdoor Casual Club.” Gathering in Yilan’s Dong’ao, a group of adventurous companions embarked on an exploration of the sea caves in Nan’ao Township.
The team began the preparation of vehicles on the sandy shores of Nan’ao. This was no ordinary journey; it was a self-challenging off-road expedition. Learning to enhance the vehicles’ adaptability, raising the chassis, adjusting tire pressure, and switching transmission modes were essential skills. The experienced leader skillfully guided the convoy through the pebble-strewn beach, paying meticulous attention to every detail.
As we set foot on the sandy shores, the photographer experienced the exhilaration of vehicles racing across the beach. The wind caressed our faces, and sunlight bathed our skin, creating a novel and unprecedented sensation. Through the radio, the leader continuously provided instructions, reminding fellow drivers to increase speed, maintain control, and avoid abrupt acceleration or braking. All of this marked the beginning of the off-road photography journey.
The entire process felt like an extreme challenge, with each bump and thrill drawing us deeper into the adventure. The sea caves of Nan’ao became a unique symbol in the photographer’s exploration. In this summer adventure, the photographer discovered the charm of off-road photography and forged bonds with like-minded companions, ensuring that these memories would forever remain vivid in the heart.

宜蘭南澳海蝕洞,風化與洪水侵蝕形成的自然地貌奇觀是攝影師的夢幻場景,其巨大的天然拱門,石柱林立的景象,令人嘆為觀止。在這樣的環境下,Land Rover車款的越野能力更是得到了充分的發揮,車輛經過顛簸的山路,穿越崎嶇的石灰岩,最終抵達這個美麗而神秘的地方。於2018年7月7號再次見證了眾多Land Rover車迷的到來。當天共有130台各式各樣的Land Rover車款,從Defender到Discovery,從Range Rover到Evoque,聚集在這個壯闊的海蝕洞景觀前,構成了一幅震撼人心的畫面。
在這片天然的藝術中,從各個角度捕捉了這個美妙時刻的每一個細節。每一輛Land Rover車都是一道閃耀的風景線,每一個車主都是一位探險家。如果你也是一個Land Rover車迷,或者是攝影愛好者,不妨來到宜蘭南澳海蝕洞,親身體驗這個令人驚嘆的場景,感受Land Rover車款獨特的魅力。
Photo Specification : Nikon D800 | Nikon 70-300mm/4.5-5.6