Forest Safaris
Immerse yourself in foliage forays as you traverse forest roads and rugged trails, uncovering hidden gems and embracing the thrill of off-road exploration.
Forest Safaris
Dive into the heart of the wilderness with our Forest Safaris, where every turn of the trail unveils a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Immerse yourself in foliage forays as you traverse forest roads and rugged trails, uncovering hidden gems and embracing the thrill of off-road exploration.
Join us as we venture deep into the heart of nature, where the scent of pine fills the air and the sounds of wildlife echo through the trees.
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睽違了兩年,這一次終於有機會到萬大南溪和尖石林道展開越野之旅,而Land Rover依舊是我們最佳的選擇。 萬大南溪是一個風景優美、地形多變的越野地點,這裡不僅有狹窄的山徑和陡峭的崖壁,還有澎湃的河水和崎嶇的岩石路。在這樣的挑戰下,Land Rover的越野能力再次得到了驗證。它的強大引擎和穩健的懸掛系統,讓我們輕鬆應對了各種複雜的路況。此外,Land Rover的智能科技系統,也為我們的越野之旅增添了更多的安全保障。尖石林道是台灣知名的越野地點之一,這裡有著絕美的山景和獨特的地貌,是越野愛好者的天堂。在這樣的環境下,Land Rover更是大放異彩,強大動力和卓越的操控性,讓我們可以輕鬆穿越林道和攀越崎嶇山徑,全地形進階控制系統更讓我們可以輕鬆面對不同的路況和挑戰。 在這次越野之旅中,Land Rover的強大性能和智能科技系統,不僅讓我們渡過了無數的難關,也讓我們體驗了真正的越野樂趣。每一次越野之旅都是一個挑戰,而Land Rover的出色表現讓我們充滿了信心和熱情,並且讓我們對未來的越野之旅充滿期待。 After a two-year hiatus due to busy work schedules, we finally had the opportunity to embark

Forest Safaris: Hsinchu Forest Road
The unique topography of Taiwan never fails to impress foreign travelers. Boasting the world’s densest concentration of mountains over 3000 meters, the accessibility from these
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Defender in Tunnel
NT$42,000 – NT$186,000 -
Defender Twin Brothers
NT$42,000 – NT$186,000 -
Defender 90: Quest for the Oasis
NT$42,000 – NT$186,000 -
Defender 90: Misty Trail Expedition
NT$42,000 – NT$186,000