Wilderness Retreats
Venture into the great outdoors and discover your own oasis with our camping adventures stories. Leads to new discoveries and unforgettable memories.
Wilderness Retreats
Escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature with our Wilderness Retreats. Venture into the great outdoors and uncover your own oasis amidst the beauty of the wilderness.
Led by experienced guides who know the hidden gems of the wilderness, our camping adventures promise an unforgettable journey filled with new discoveries and unforgettable memories. Whether you’re seeking solitude, adventure, or simply a break from the everyday, our retreats offer the perfect opportunity to reconnect with nature and create lasting memories.
Join us as we explore pristine landscapes, set up camp under the starry sky, and immerse ourselves in the sights and sounds of the wilderness.
Wilderness Retreats: Where every moment is an opportunity to discover your own oasis and embrace the serenity of nature.
Story List
Wilderness Retreats: The Artistry of 海這裡 Camping Gathering
#海這裡 , a legendary figure renowned in the off-road vehicle community, is not only proficient in off-road driving techniques but also skilled in sound systems,
Wilderness Retreats: jaguarlandrover查爾斯 entertaining printmaking Camping active
On a night adorned with sparkling stars, we gathered by the campfire, accompanied by warm lights and enchanting music, sharing the unique camping experience. This
心中不由得浮現出鞍馬火祭的畫面,那是一場熱鬧非凡的盛宴。整個祭典在深夜開始,當地居民們會手持火炬跑步經過一條山路,最後到達一座神社。在這裡,他們會將火炬放進一個特殊的壺中,點燃壺內的柴火,並跳過火堆,期望透過這樣的儀式可以祈求神明的保佑。回憶起這些美好的經驗,更加期待這次的放火祭。 在大溪地營地裡,有機會感受到大自然的美麗,河水清澈見底,葉子綠意盎然,我與其他夥伴們一同享受野營野炊的樂趣,一邊品嚐營火燒烤的美食,一邊欣賞周遭的山景和大自然的美好。 當晚,放火祭正式開始,一邊拍攝著燃燒的火焰,一邊觀察著人們在火堆周圍跳躍的樣子。一位特別的人物——燒幹大師,他手持長柄火炬,向來只燒樹幹,經過他加持的火焰卻極為熾烈,為整個放火祭增添了一份特別的神秘感。攝影不只是紀錄美好的瞬間,更是將美好的回憶和感受永久留存的方式。透過攝影的方式,將這些美好的瞬間和感受分享給更多的人們,也讓自己永遠擁有這些美好的回憶。 As a photographer, memories of my time living in Kyoto and participating in the Kurama Fire Festival and Gozan no Okuribi come
Wilderness Retreats: Autumn Child
As the gentle breeze of early summer caresses our faces, the fragrant ayu fish make their dazzling appearance in May, adding a delicious anticipation to
Wilderness Retreats: Pingtung Boulder Camp-Beach Camping
藍天、碧海、金沙灘,這就是海灘露營的魅力所在。在屏東巨石營地,我們可以盡情地享受大自然的美好,讓身心都得到完美的放鬆和釋放。 白天來到海灘上,和朋友們一起玩水、曬太陽,享受美好的假期。也可以到潮間帶探險,尋找那些美麗的貝殼和海星。除此之外,還可以嘗試一些刺激的水上運動,如衝浪、划艇等等,感受到冒險和挑戰的刺激。晚上,一起享受一場盛大的露天晚宴,在星空下,品嘗著美酒佳餚,享受著海風的撫慰。在這裡,我與志同道合的朋友們一起分享生活的點滴,享受著彼此之間的真誠和友情。 如果你希望更加浪漫和寧靜,那麼在海灘上設置一個小小的營火,一起欣賞美麗的星空,一起感受大自然的力量和美麗。屏東巨石營地,是一個值得一去的好地方。在這裡,你可以放鬆自己,享受美好的假期,體驗大自然的美妙和神奇。所以,讓我們一起來到這裡,享受這段美好的時光。 Blue sky, clear sea, and golden sandy beach – this is the charm of beach camping. At the Jushi Campsite in Pingtung,
TLRC 19th: Return to Tian-Shi
TLRC 19屆會長交接-重返天時,這場令人期待已久的活動即將在南投天時農莊隆重舉行。作為一名攝影師,我非常榮幸能夠參與這次盛宴,並用鏡頭記錄下每一個難忘的瞬間。 這次活動將重溫TLRC第一條越野體驗道,挑戰那些曾經讓我們心跳加速的路段,感受到沙土和草木在輪胎下飛揚的刺激。而Land Rover的強大引擎和穩健的懸掛系統,將讓我們更加輕鬆地應對各種複雜的路況。無論是狹窄的山徑還是崎嶇的岩石路,Land Rover都能夠輕鬆穿越過去。在這次活動中,我們還有更多的驚喜等待著我們。百人營火載歌載舞,讓我們一同分享越野之旅的喜悅和感動;樂團表演,讓我們在美妙的音樂中感受到大自然的美麗和力量。而在這一切的背後,是TLRC這個大家庭的凝聚力和團隊精神。無論是交流會、講座還是其他活動,TLRC一直致力於讓每一位車主都能夠享受到最美好的回憶。 重返天時,不僅是一次越野之旅,更是一次心靈的洗禮。讓我們攜手前行,重溫那些曾經讓我們充滿激情和熱血的瞬間,並為未來的越野之旅注入更多的熱情和力量。 TLRC 19th President Handover Ceremony – Return to Tian-Shi As a photographer, I am honored to participate in the
TLRC 18th Carnival: Camping & Mud Life
The photographer has been acquainted with the “Bonjour Outdoor Casual Club” for a year and a half. In 2018 winter, he was invited to participate
Print Collections
Defender’s Canyon Crusade
NT$56,000 – NT$166,000 -
Defender90 Brilliance
NT$54,000 – NT$90,000 -
Evoque – Sprightly Splash
NT$54,000 – NT$90,000 -
Discovery 4 – River Explorer
NT$58,000 – NT$90,000 -
Mastering River Rapids
NT$66,000 – NT$186,000 -
Defender elegantly dances
NT$54,000 – NT$90,000 -
Defenders Conquer Rapids
NT$4,850 – NT$24,300 -
Leading Warriors
NT$4,850 – NT$24,300