Forest Safaris: Hsinchu Forest Road

The unique topography of Taiwan never fails to impress foreign travelers. Boasting the world’s densest concentration of mountains over 3000 meters, the accessibility from these high mountains to the coast is convenient, requiring minimal travel time. This compact and diverse terrain has given rise to numerous intricate forest and industrial roads throughout Taiwan. The forest types vary from north to south and east to west.

In this rich and varied landscape, we decided to explore an unknown forest road in Hsinchu. This road combines the asphalt conditions of an industrial road with the muddy dirt roads through the forest, including zigzagging roads that can cause significant tire drops. The diversity of these road conditions adds excitement to the adventure, making our exploration more challenging.

Both the Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon and Land Rover possess unique qualities, akin to being brothers from different mothers. They share a common passion for exploring the unknown and an eager desire to conquer extreme terrains.

This mutual influence and inspiration between the two vehicles occur throughout the adventure. Their design philosophies resonate with each other, both committed to providing owners with the ultimate off-road experience. Whether traversing diverse terrains, tackling steep mountain roads, or navigating muddy landscapes, both vehicles showcase the profound bond between them through their robust off-road capabilities.

This bond not only consolidates the adventurers’ spirits but also symbolizes a shared respect for nature and the challenges of the unknown. In this adventure, it’s as if they co-write a story about perseverance, courage, and exploration.

在新竹的某條林道….Land Rover和Mercedes-Benz G-wagon的車主們齊聚於此,一同展示各自車款強大的越野能力,並且享受露營的樂趣。在林道上,我們可以看到Land Rover Discovery Sport和Range Rover P38A在石頭和泥濘的路面上輕鬆穿梭。而G-wagon顯示了其經典的四輪驅動能力,適應了最艱難的路況,穩定而堅定。

到了野馬營地,在這個美麗讓人心曠神怡的環境下,車主們共同享受了露營的樂趣,聚集在一起,分享彼此的越野經驗,這次活動不僅體現了Land Rover和Mercedes-Benz G-wagon車款強大的越野能力,更展示了這些車款的時尚和品味。如果您也喜歡越野探險和露營旅行,那麼一定不要錯過這樣的機會,感受自然和汽車給你帶來的無盡樂趣。

Photo Specification : Nikon D800 | Nikon 70-300/4.5-5.6

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