Rugged River Runs
隨著我們的「Rugged River Runs」體驗,踏上一場令人振奮的旅程,穿越崎嶇的地形和野溪河流。越野探險無縫地將汽車越野時的肾上腺素激增與河流探索的寧靜魅力融為一體。穿越具挑戰性的地景,涉水穿越湍急的河流,並克服途中的障礙,讓自己沉浸在大自然的原始美中。
Rugged River Runs: 不論何處那裡,越野探險的刺激將與河流旅程的寧靜相遇。

2022 心無止徑越野體驗營
心無止徑越野體驗營,今年在春陽部落精彩上演!作為一個攝影師,我很榮幸能夠參與這次越野活動並記錄下每一個難忘的瞬間。而選擇Land Rover作為我們的越野車輛,也讓我們的旅程更加完美。 春陽部落的河道因氣候改變不少,讓這次的越野之旅更加具有挑戰性。但Land Rover的卓越越野性能和驚人的穩定性,讓我們可以輕鬆應對各種複雜的路況。無論是狹窄的山徑還是崎嶇的岩石路,Land Rover的強大引擎和穩健的懸掛系統都讓我們可以輕鬆地穿越過去。此外,全地形進階控制系統的出色表現,也為我們的越野之旅增添了更多的信心和安全保障。這次活動共有176台車輛參加,這些愛好者們帶著滿懷熱情,挑戰著河流和山徑。而我們所在的真好戶外休閒俱樂部,作為本次越野活動的主辦單位,也為大家提供了周到的服務和支持。在這樣的團隊合作下,我們一路向前,充滿著無限的樂趣和挑戰。 心無止徑越野體驗營不僅讓我們體驗到了越野之旅的刺激和樂趣,也讓我們感受到了大自然的美麗和力量。而Land Rover的表現更是讓我們充滿了信心和熱情,期待著下一次的越野之旅。 The “Endless Journey” Off-Road Experience Camp once again took place in the Chunyang Tribe this year, allowing us

睽違了兩年,這一次終於有機會到萬大南溪和尖石林道展開越野之旅,而Land Rover依舊是我們最佳的選擇。 萬大南溪是一個風景優美、地形多變的越野地點,這裡不僅有狹窄的山徑和陡峭的崖壁,還有澎湃的河水和崎嶇的岩石路。在這樣的挑戰下,Land Rover的越野能力再次得到了驗證。它的強大引擎和穩健的懸掛系統,讓我們輕鬆應對了各種複雜的路況。此外,Land Rover的智能科技系統,也為我們的越野之旅增添了更多的安全保障。尖石林道是台灣知名的越野地點之一,這裡有著絕美的山景和獨特的地貌,是越野愛好者的天堂。在這樣的環境下,Land Rover更是大放異彩,強大動力和卓越的操控性,讓我們可以輕鬆穿越林道和攀越崎嶇山徑,全地形進階控制系統更讓我們可以輕鬆面對不同的路況和挑戰。 在這次越野之旅中,Land Rover的強大性能和智能科技系統,不僅讓我們渡過了無數的難關,也讓我們體驗了真正的越野樂趣。每一次越野之旅都是一個挑戰,而Land Rover的出色表現讓我們充滿了信心和熱情,並且讓我們對未來的越野之旅充滿期待。 After a two-year hiatus due to busy work schedules, we finally had the opportunity to embark

Rugged River Runs: GrizzlyBearOverland
“Australian Bear Roams Taiwan: Grizzly Bear Overland’s Global Expedition with Defender 130” In the off-road journey, the Defender 130 of “Grizzly Bear Overland” is not

TLRC 21st 探索台灣之美
來自台灣各地的冒險家和越野車迷,聚集在台灣春陽部落,一同展開一場壯闊的探險旅程。本次活動由Taiwan Land Rover Club(TLRC)主辦,主題為「探索台灣之美」,帶領我們一起發掘台灣的獨特風光。 除了Land Rover品牌的經典車款Defender外,我們還有幸邀請到了澳洲國際友人GrizzlyNbear Overland,他們帶來了一輛Defender 130,這是一款特殊的越野車,為我們的探險之旅增添了更多的驚喜和挑戰。在春陽部落的山林中,我們開始了漫長的越野之旅,穿越了茂密的森林和泥濘的河道。Defender車系在越野過程中表現出色,它的強大引擎和堅固的車身,讓我們輕鬆應對了各種複雜的路況,如陡峭的坡道和凸凹不平的路面。而Defender 130的長軸距和巨大的儲物空間,為GrizzlyNbear Overland提供了更多的攜帶和儲物空間,讓她們可以輕鬆攜帶所有必要的裝備和物資挑戰環遊世界。 晚上,我們在春陽部落的露營地點休息。這裡是一個環境優美,設備齊全的露營地點,我們可以在此享受大自然的美妙和寧靜。營地的管理人員非常友好和熱情,為我們提供了周到的服務和支持。這次活動的成功離不開Taiwan Land Rover Club(TLRC)的支持和協助,以及GrizzlyNbear Overland的參與,我們相信,這場探險之旅將會成為我們難以忘懷的回憶。 Adventurers and off-road enthusiasts from all over Taiwan gathered at

Rugged River Runs: Splashy Thrills
“Splashy Thrills: Defender and Owners Dance in the Wild Off-Road Moments” In this off-road journey, crossing the water channels becomes one of the most exhilarating

Rugged River Runs: Family Fun Off the Beaten Path
“Family Fun Off the Beaten Path: Land Rover Wows Water Crossings, Owners Share Laughter” In this off-road adventure, the moment when vehicles cross the water

Rugged River Runs: Off-Road Heroes in Harmony
“Off-Road Heroes in Harmony: #TLRC Executives and Coaches’ Seamless Coordination” In this challenging off-road journey, the coaches are not just leading the way but serving

Rugged River Runs: Behind the Scenes of Defender Video Shoot
Defender Generation Transition, Capturing the Heart-Pounding Off-Road Moments in Film Entering into another captivating chapter, the #狂人日誌#MadVnz invited a few Defender owners to gather and

Rugged River Runs: Challenges, Muds, and the Dance with New Defender
Exploring the Thrilling Moments of Taiwan’s Central Off-Road Routes After a lively round of greetings, the group gathered, exchanging information about the terrain through radios.

Rugged River Runs: The Dawn of a New Era by the Lakeside
Embracing a New Chapter, Defender Enthusiasts Embark on an Adventurous Celebration. In the early morning, the campsite nestled amidst the picturesque lakes and mountains seemed

Rugged River Runs: Wanda South Creek
The Wanda South Creek is hailed as an extremely popular off-road route in the central region of Taiwan, boasting picturesque landscapes and numerous geothermal wild

Rugged River Runs: Land Rover Discovery 5
The Land Rover Discovery 5 marks a significant leap forward in design and innovation, setting the stage for a new era of off-road exploration. While

Rugged River Runs: Range Rover Classic
In the vibrant era of the 1970s, when the Range Rover Classic was born, it was a time characterized by vitality, free love, and a

Rugged River Runs: Dowang Creek 2019
Dowang Creek is one of the upstream tributaries of the Lanyang River, originating from Mount Jialuo. In the past, it served as one of the
Defender’s Canyon Crusade
NT$56,000 – NT$166,000 -
Defender90 Brilliance
NT$54,000 – NT$90,000 -
Evoque – Sprightly Splash
NT$54,000 – NT$90,000 -
Discovery 4 – River Explorer
NT$58,000 – NT$90,000 -
Mastering River Rapids
NT$66,000 – NT$186,000 -
Defender elegantly dances
NT$54,000 – NT$90,000 -
Defenders Conquer Rapids
NT$4,850 – NT$24,300 -
Leading Warriors
NT$4,850 – NT$24,300